Top 6 Things To Know Before Having Your Second Child

  1. Everything takes longer

Allowing more time to complete any task is the biggest transition overall to introducing another dependent in the family.

While you struggled to get out the door with only moments to spare to make it to church on time, now you will need to start the loading process an hour before you had before.

Every mom knows that babies tend to need a diaper change as you are heading out the door.

Give yourself ample time to leave, as well as spare time for incidentals. You don’t want to add unnecessary stress to your busy life.

Every busy moment is worth the joy a second child will bring to the home, and the lifelong sibling friendship that is created.

Being a mom takes work, and will cause your hobbies and interests to shift, making every day full of new wonders.

Please let us know in the comments section what you have learned becoming a second time mom.