Don’t Forget About This Important Member Of Your Family

  1. They make you smarter

Who doesn’t want to be a bit more intelligent? Having a pet in the home, not only offers exercise, companionship, and increased responsibility, but it can actually make you smarter.

Wag the Dog reported:

Actually dogs are known to assist cognitive development of young kids. They also promote character development that helps students’ study.”

The pet can become your child’s new study buddy. They will hear them talk through the problems, and offer a quick stress reliever when things get frustrating.

First Post reported:

A survey conducted by ‘Pets at Home’ on 1,000 pet-owning children, aged between 5-16 years, showed that the vast majority (79 percent) believe their pet friends have a positive effect on their homework and schoolwork in general.”

While you may not be ready for the large dog scenario in your home, starting small is just as beneficial.

Try a hermit crab, they are actually very social creatures, as a first pet; or at least something that can fit into an aquarium.

It can begin offering all the perks mentioned in this article without sacrificing much in your daily routine.

You can, also, begin the prep work for a pet by giving your child extra responsibility and tasks that would be associated with a pet. By doing this you’re able to test their commitment level to adding a new member to the family.

Please let us know in the comments section if you have seen the benefits in your home from adopting a family pet.