What Every Child With ADHD Wish You Knew

Children with ADHD often get a bad reputation.

Teachers without proper training often label them as “naughty” and assume they are deliberately trying to cause trouble. Strangers give disapproving looks, scolding you to “discipline your child” more. Sadly, even some parents are seen yelling “sit still” at their child.

But inside the mind of a child with ADHD is a secret world many don’t understand, until now.

Here are 3 things all children with ADHD wish you knew:

  1. They Need To Fidget: Children with ADHD tend to fidget. The media has drawn attention to this with the latest “spinner” fad, many children are carrying.

But as research shows, fidgeting is actually a good thing for a child with ADHD. In fact, it may help them learn better.

NBC News reported:

“Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, notoriously fidget in the classroom. That disruptive behavior likely isn’t just a symptom, but may actually boost cognitive performance, a new study finds.

Physical activity, like bouncing on a ball chair or even chewing gum, seems to allow these children to focus on difficult tasks, according to research from the University of California Davis MIND Institute, published Thursday in the online journal Child Neuropsychology…

In the study, researchers did a trial-by-trial analysis of 26 teens and pre-teens diagnosed with ADHD and a control group of 18 with typical development, looking at how the intensity and frequency of movement affected their ability to do tests that demanded focus.

The children’s movement was measured by a device attached to their ankles as they did a “flanker test.” The test required them to pay attention to the direction of a series of arrows and to disregard distractions.

The ADHD students with the highest number of correct answers, showed the greatest degree of movement. There was no correlation between movement and cognition in children without the disorder.”

  1. They Have Sensory Overload All The Time: Children with ADHD experience sensory overload and it’s constant.

If they have a thought, they want to say it. And then the next thought, then the next. Often times their sentences don’t seem to make sense, but they have so much to say and won’t feel better until it’s expressed.

Their brains are always thinking, filtering in excess stimuli, and trying to process. They can’t turn off their brains, any more than you can tell your heart to stop beating.

To help them focus, try asking certain questions to help keep them streamline their thoughts, or tell them you’ll talk about a certain topic later.

But the key when working with a child with ADHD is to be patient, and realize they aren’t trying to be difficult, this is just how their brain works.

  1. Rest Is Essential: After a long day of school, their brains are tired. I mean really tired.

After being forced to read and write all day, the last thing they want to do is think.

While most people are tired after a long day with school or work, children who have ADHD are on a whole other level.

Many need to spend quiet time alone in their rooms, to regroup.

Others blast music or the TV to help quiet their racing mind.

But whether your child craves the silence or loathes it, the most important thing you can do during their time of rest is not place too many demands on them, or force them to have to make decisions.

If you allow their brain the proper time to unwind, you’ll find most children with ADHD can be soothed by simply spending time alone.

Children with ADHD aren’t “bad” kids. They just learn and process differently. Instead of trying to corner them and turn them into the person you think they should be, allow them to express their creativity and use their gifts.

You might just be surprised at how wonderfully their brain works if they are given the opportunity to thrive.

Have you ever worked with a child who has ADHD?

Are there any other things you think children with ADHD wish the world knew about them?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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