10 Conservative Women Who Have Changed History

 Margaret Thatcher

Conservative women would not be where they are today without Margaret Thatcher, a champion for limited government and true freedom.

While working alongside President Reagan to defeat communism, the first female Prime Minister has shown the world the power of strong female conservative leadership.

Coming a long way from her early specialization in X-ray crystallography, Thatcher accomplished lowering inflation, creating a free market, and subduing enemy forces.

All of these women have made a mark in history, paving the way for conservative women in our generation and beyond to feel empowered to make a difference with morality and traditional views.

Liberals want you to believe that progress is only made through the acceptance of every floundering whim, but leaders like the ladies above show that stable families are the foundation of this country.

Please let us know which conservative woman has had the biggest impact on your conservative views.