10 Habits Your Children Need To Succeed

Set a Bedtime

When a child sleeps they are developing, growing, and processing all the new experiences from the day.

It is vital for children to get adequate sleep, making sure to adjust the number of sleep hours according to the child’s age, as Mommy Underground has previously reported.

Fatherly reports on what Dr. Andrew J. Bernstein, Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Northwestern University, and Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, has to say:

Children’s natural rhythm is to need to go to sleep well before adults do, and if children are kept up as late as their parents, they’re being deprived the opportunity to grow and learn as well as possible.”

It’s easy to get stuck in the bad routine of letting the kids stay up while you rush around getting things ready for bed and the next morning- throwing in that last load of laundry, packing lunches, and making sure all the bikes were put in the garage.

Putting the kids to bed before the night gets away from you will ensure you are giving your children the utmost concern for their development.