10 Habits Your Children Need To Succeed

Step on the Brakes

Military Wife and Mom highlights a quote from clinical psychologist John Duffy when discussing the importance of taking a step back from the hustle and bustle of modern life:

I encourage parents to take some time to just watch their children, whether they are playing, doing homework, or eating a snack. Take a moment to drink them in. Remember and remind yourself how remarkable your children are. That pause alone, even if momentary, can drive a shift in the pace.”

The saying “your kids are only young once” is an obvious yet quintessential perspective on childhood.We have such a short time as parents to shape and support respectable, successful, and loving young adults.

Making a habit to put the phone down, look your children in the eyes, and just be in the moment, rather than thinking about the endless to-do list for the day, will make a lasting impression.