10 Things All Pregnant Women Need You To Know

I know what you are thinking behind those judgmental stares.

Again, there is something about pregnancy that makes people feel entitled to an opinion.

Natural or not, it is wrong to assume something about someone you barely know or don’t know at all.

Romper gives these examples:

“Maybe they’re silently judging me for eating this bag of candy corn. Maybe they’re shooting daggers out of their eyes because they don’t realize the grande coffee cup perched on my gigantic belly is decaf.

Maybe they’re staring because they can’t tell if I’m pregnant or not, and they don’t want to offer me their seat on the train unless I’m certifiably with child. In New York City, where I live, the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) has started offering women “Baby on Board” buttons they can wear to alert others they should offer up their seats. I am not sure if this shaming tactic would work, but I’d be willing to try it. Why not? Our society loves labeling everything, so might as well tag my body.”

The bottom line is the questions you really should be asking yourself, is how is it any of your business? Unless the mom is putting her baby in danger, you should really butt out and keep your opinions and judgmental looks to yourself.