10 Things All Pregnant Women Need You To Know

Maternity clothes, having a learning curve.

As previously stated, it can be hard to find the right size of maternity clothes to begin with, but most mass produced maternity clothes are made for one “common” body type.

So if you’re shorter, taller, or curvier than average, good luck finding affordable clothes.

Romper elaborates:

“As a short person, basic maternity clothes never fit me well. Arm lengths were too long, and skirts that reached too far down my legs had to be hiked up to my chest and worn as strapless sundresses (though this had to be done with an air of aloofness, because if I started caring about how I actually looked I’d probably have a breakdown). I refused to pay much for maternity clothes, which meant I was buying the cheap, ill-fitting mass-produced kind. Trying to find formal wear or winter coats to accommodate my pregnancy was the worst.”