10 Things All Pregnant Women Need You To Know

I still have a right to privacy.

People feel like they have a right to ask a pregnant woman all of their curious questions regarding the personal nature of pregnancy.

These are questions that one would find rude if asked in any other circumstance. So why isn’t it rude to ask a pregnant woman? We think it is at least as rude if not ruder to ask such personal questions of a pregnant lady.

Romper used these examples:

“Was it planned?”

 “You’re barely showing.”

Apparently if you don’t look pregnant enough, you are failing at motherhood.

“You’ve really popped!”

Conversely, if you are obviously pregnant, that is something remarkable. Also, there is no context where this phrase doesn’t disgust me.

“Natural childbirth? Breastfeeding? Circumcision?”

Stop! Think before you speak – would you want to answer such personal questions?