3 Reasons To Consider Becoming A Foster Parent  

It’s estimated that up to 428,000 children remain in foster care in the United States alone.

Many of these children have had tough lives – and have been abandoned and rejected by those who were entrusted to protect them.

It’s tragic so many innocent children have been tossed into a system and essentially left to rot when they have so much potential to thrive and succeed in life. 

While you may not be ready to adopt a child – becoming a foster parent is a wonderful opportunity to show love to children who need it most. 

If you’ve never considered becoming a foster parent, here are three reasons why it might be right for your family.

Every Child Deserves To Feel Loved 

Not being wanted is one of the most tragic things a child can experience.

If you are able to show love to a child, and take them into your home to provide a true “family experience”, such as home-cooked meals and a warm bed, consider doing so.

While the child may still have trauma from being in the system, even if for a short while you have the ability to provide a stable and safe environment for them.

You can even teach them appropriate boundaries and coping skills that will set them up for success later in life.

By showing them what a family is like, you can provide a model on what a family looks and acts like. 

This can do wonders in breaking the generational cycle of trauma they’ve come to know as “normal.”

Be A Part Of Their Healing Journey

So many children in foster care have been abused and neglected. 

Many don’t trust authority figures, and others withdraw and are afraid to interact with others.

By providing a safe and gentle home, you can begin to help some of the “rough edges” come off, and be an instrument in their emotional healing!

Being consistent (something they aren’t used to) and helping them to develop their strengths and skills will install confidence they may have not previously had.

And by teaching them that there are safe adults in this world, you can begin to soften their hearts and renew their spirits. 

You Have The Time And Resources 

Empty nesters who have already raised their children make prime candidates for foster care.

Having the freedom and flexibility will give you ample time to truly invest in a child, not just provide for their physical needs.

Being available is one of the greatest gifts you can give to a child – whether to listen to how their day went or help them with homework – children appreciate the gift of time! 

A Word Of Caution

It’s not recommended that moms with young children foster a troubled teenage boy with a history of violence unless they feel specifically called.

While it’s admirable to help those who are suffering, endangering one’s own family is not wise.

Of course, these teenage boys need homes too – but might be better suited for a family with children who are already raised, or for a couple who has experience working with troubled youth.

If you have a house full of kids and can barely make time to eat and feed yourself – foster care might not be the best option for you

Every family is different, but if you are able consider becoming a foster parent even if for a short time – you could literally help change the entire trajectory of a life for a child!

Have you ever considered becoming a foster parent?

If not, what do you think is holding you back?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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