6-Year-Old Girl Doesn’t Like Skirts – So Mom Deems Her “Nonbinary” And Changes Her Name

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash.com


One morning before preschool, Claire allegedly became “upset” because she had no clean clothes for school other than skirts – and she didn’t want to wear one.

Not a big deal and a reality for many moms – because all preschoolers all have their favorite things and preferences.

But Claire’s mom interpreted this as a “sign” that her daughter was really “nonbinary” – and just wait until you hear about the horrifying ways she groomed her daughter to accept her new “gender identity.”

Claire’s mother Jennifer Chen lives in a liberal part of Los Angeles – and it’s clear her values reflect it.

Liberals are utterly OBSESSED with thinking every child is “transgender” – and view it as a badge of honor if their child breaks free from the gender stereotypes.

And simply because little Claire didn’t want to wear a skirt one day – Jennifer started preparing her to “change genders.

LifeSite News reported:

“She started reading Claire pro-LGBT bedtime books about gender and children with gender dysphoria, one of which was shelved at a public library. “Next, it came time for a haircut,” Chen said. After a barber talked Claire out of a short haircut that Chen encouraged, Claire’s father took her to a “nonbinary” stylist.

Two months into kindergarten, Chen decided to go further and change her daughter’s name to “Clark.” Claire’s teacher at her Los Angeles school was “super supportive,” her mother said, and the principal emailed Chen a form to make the name change.

Absolutely heartbreaking, this poor child!

The adults who were supposed to protect her have brainwashed her, and caused her young mind to be confused by what is real.

Jennifer went on to announce Claire’s new “nonbinary” identity in a holiday photo along with all the plural pronouns Claire would now be referred to by.


As if a 6-year-old even understands how her mother is using her simply to push her own political agenda.

It’s unconscionable for a parent to take out their own sick neurosis on their child.

But liberals do it all the time.

Children become traumatized – watching their classmates “transition” to a new gender and frightened by the words coming from their own teachers.

With so many children subject to such psychological and emotional abuse – one can’t even begin to imagine how this generation will need decades of counseling once they snap out of the trance.

Experts seem to agree.

LifeSite News reported:

“Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse,” the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) has said in a position statement.”

It certainly is.

But sadly, all across the world parents continue to live with the threat of having their children taken away should they dare try and “stop” their child from “living out their true gender.”

As for Claire, our hearts go out to her.

We can only hope an adult with some mental sanity can step in and stop the madness – before its too late.

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