6-year-old Girl Taken To A Mental Health Facility Without Parental Consent

The left has been working hard over the years to put individual responsibility into the hands of the government.

Inhibition of parental rights has reached a frightening level, leaving well-meaning parents to battle a system they are forced to support.

A Florida mother and her daughter became victims of overreach when Love Grove Elementary School made decisions on care that led to ghastly consequences.

NBC News reports:

“A 6-year-old Florida girl was committed for two days to a mental health facility without her mother’s consent after allegedly throwing a temper tantrum at school, an attorney for the family said.”

How scary!

Parents trust the school to look out for their child’s best interest when they drop them off in the facility’s care.

And if the elementary school is going to call every temper tantrum a mental health concern there is going to be an unwarranted exponential rise in psychiatric admissions.

How did this happen?!

The February 4th incident escalated when a teacher was unable to calm 6-year-old Nadia who began throwing chairs.

According to Nadia and her mother Martina Falk’s lawyer, Reganel Reeves, a mental health counselor was called to the school to evaluate Nadia. 

So when a young minor was having trouble communicating and calming down they thought to call a stranger who makes money off of the child’s demise rather than her mother.

This is not right.

Some mental health workers love their job and the population they support, and some have been jaded by the broken system and assume all parents are degenerates waiting for someone to do their job for them.

It’s difficult to judge the intentions of this particular mental health worker, but the outcome was surely detestable. 

Once the counselor evaluated Nadia, she was escorted by a law enforcement officer to a mental health facility- still without the permission of her mother, nor informing her of the events that ensued. 

Bodycam footage showed the deputy walking with a calm Nadia, as he tells her “You’re not no bad person,” reports NBC News, later adding that Nadia was “acting very pleasant.

While at the mental health center, Nadia was allegedly given anti-psychotic medications – again, without the permission of her mother. 

Did the facility have a list of Nadia’s allergies or religious preferences? I would bet not. 

Now that the nightmare is over Nadia’s mother is demanding answers. 

The counselor was able to pull this stunt because she acted under the Florida Mental Health Act of 1971, more commonly known as the Baker Act. 

According to NBC News:

The Baker Act gives social workers in Florida the power to initiate involuntary holds on children as young as 2 without the need for parental permission.”

Tracy Pierce, with Duval County Public Schools, told NBC News that the mother is supposed to be called immediately when a child is to be committed under the Baker Act. 

That did not happen.

Nadia was scared when her mother was finally able to take her home, saying that “they locked the door. They wouldn’t let me out,” and “Mommy, they gave me a shot,'” Falk said.

I couldn’t imagine this incident happening to my child. It is atrocious that parents have to worry about incidents like this being inflicted on their children while they’re at school. 

Parents need to be informed of what is going on with their children, and they need to be the ones to make decisions regarding their care; except in the rare circumstances where a parent has been appropriately deemed unfit. 

Find out the local laws that affect you and your family and speak up for the ones that hand over your God-given duties to others. 

Hopefully, Nadia and her mother will recover from this horrific incident and make a plan of care that involves parental consent for the future.