How To Navigate Having Your Husband Home From Work

For a stay at home mom, routine is a necessity; it keeps the family’s expectations in line, keeping mom and children sane.

You have breakfast at the same time, school drop-off together, after-school homework right before dinner, and a flawless bedtime routine that gets all the children sleeping in time for your favorite show.

Sometimes, there are disruptions to that schedule that can wreak havoc on the peace in the home if you aren’t prepared for them, so having a plan is pivotal to getting through the day unscathed.

Whether it is daddy coming home from work early, being home with some vacation days, or the kids having a break from school, you can expect the well-orchestrated schedule to hit some speed bumps.

Most fathers have no idea the complexity of the family’s day while they are away. That is no fault of their own, but leaves them clueless when they are home during the week.

So, how do you make sure that the kids aren’t given marshmallows for breakfast, and that they go to bed before your whole “me” hour is over?

There are a few simple techniques that can have you and your spouse working together like yin and yang, rather than oil and water.