Easy Guide For Temporarily Homeschooling Your Kids During Coronavirus Pandemic

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


Navigating the minutiae of a global pandemic is overwhelming for every American.

Whether it is trying to oversee organizations made to deal with catastrophic events or a mom left juggling three school age children home from school while she still has to work, dealing with abrupt shifts in responsibility is challenging.

With the recent coronavirus outbreak schools across the nation are shutting their doors, but that doesn’t mean children’s education needs to stop.

The coronavirus has claimed thousands of lives around the world, leaving health officials scrambling for an answer.

One approach to contain the virus, first used in Hong Kong, is to close down public schools for two-four weeks so children and staff can’t spread it to one another while in close quarters.

You think this is all well and good, but it hasn’t actually been proven to be effective in halting the spread of COVID-19, as Mommy Underground has previously reported, which is why the CDC is recommending children be kept home from school for 8-20 weeks.

If, or when, states decide to follow the CDC guidelines for children’s safety from the coronavirus, parents are looking at a lot of unexpected time home with their kids.

It has been said, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.”

Leaving school age children to fill their time isolated at home could turn out interesting- as long as that is what you are calling the kids shaving the cat and using your husband’s coin collection to play “store” in the basement (even kids can’t refrain from that long making a purchase).

Don’t fret, because Mommy Underground is here to save the day!

Follow this easy to use schedule while your kids are home from school for a streamlined day of education, art, and fun.

Just be open to the occasional mishap and spontaneous adventure, because we know kids are good for it.

7:00-7:30 Wake up

No need to rush the kids out of bed in the morning to make the bus. When education is received at the dining room table, getting a little extra shut-eye is good for everyone.

7:30-8:30 Breakfast

Begin the most important meal of the day with a brain-boosting dish the whole family will love.

We know that having a good breakfast of slow-acting carbohydrates and protein can set the mood for a school day, as Mommy Underground has previously reported, so get the ball rolling at home with all those favorite breakfast dishes you never have time for.

Get the kids involved by giving each one a task, Scary Mommy suggests, like cracking eggs, setting the table, or helping with dishes when the meal is complete.

8:30-9:00 Daily goals

After breakfast get the whole family together to discuss personal and collective goals for the day, and have the kids write them down.

Keeping focus for the day can be the difference between pure chaos and good old-fashioned childhood energy.

9:00-9:15 Family exercise

There is nothing like getting the blood pumping in the morning before you start your day.

Plus, children need to get energy out in order to focus on the educational material you are hoping they are receptive to when they were hoping to have a 5 month summer vacation.

No need to come up with something new every morning. YouTube has plenty of stretches and morning exercises for kids.

9:15-10:30 Education hour

Some teachers have coursework already set out for the kids in their absence available online or for paper pickup.

Having this will make it easier, and help your kids to stay on track with their curriculum. But, on the off chance there is no school work provided, access online resources like Kidszone or Greatschools.org to get worksheets for various subjects.

Tinkergarten has some great outdoor science activities you can do with a wide age range of children- and we know they will need to get some fresh air after being home for months on end.

Throw in a small healthy snack, like a piece of fruit or some nuts to hold them over until lunch time, and keep tantrums at bay.

10:30-11:30 Playtime

Reward all your kids hard work with an hour long “recess” where they can freely play, allowing their creativity to roam and the minds to blossom.

In addition to getting some fresh air, exploring their environment gives kids increased critical thinking skills and life skills they can’t learn on paper, as Mommy Underground has previously reported.

11:30-12:30 Lunchtime

Provide a well-balanced meal for your children if possible to give them the energy they need to get through the rest of the day and the nutrition they need to grow healthy and strong.

For kids who were eating lunches offered by the school, many food programs are still available for pickup on site.

Again, assign each child a task for lunch to help with preparation and clean-up.

12:30-1:00 Rest

It is important children have down time in the day, free from stimulation. As tempting as it is, please don’t use this time for screens.

Reading a book to your children or having them read a book quietly in their room is best, but “quiet activities” can also be utilized such as yarn activities or puzzles.

1:00-1:45 Finish up school day

This is a good time to complete any worksheets that weren’t done earlier in the morning, or to go over concepts your child is having difficulty grasping.

1:45-2:45 Art and music

Time to break out the art supplies and have a field day with them.

It is best to pick a few art or craft ideas ahead of time to do throughout the week so you are not scrambling to find an activity everyday.

There are tons of awesome ideas online for all age groups and experience levels.

For the more musically minded, you can practice an instrument, do a family song together, or experiment with music using items around the house like pots, pans, string and boxes.

2:45-3:15 Clean up

When the day is done, and all has gone according to schedule- or at least somewhat resembles the schedule- it is time to clean-up.

Have the kids put all the supplies away, tidy their work areas, and pick up any toys from recess.

There you have it. A day of chaos and confusion turned into a structured day of normalcy.

Changing routine is not easy, and is not perfected overnight, but we may have to prepare to make the most of some changes in the schedule.

And at least this way your kids won’t have to worry about the spread of COVID-19 happening all around them.