Enough Is Enough: “Transgender” Swimming Athlete Caused USA Official To Resign

Photo by Marcus Ng on Unsplash.com


“Transgender” athletes have taken over every area of sports – shattering records and crushing women’s hopes of ever winning again.

While LGBT activists love the attention to their latest cause – those working in the thick of it are fed up – and they’re speaking out in a major way.

In fact, a longtime official for USA Swimming has thrown in the towel and quit over the “transgender” madness – and wait until you hear what she had to say.

After three decades, Cynthia Millen has resigned from her position – speaking to the unfair advantage biological men have in competing against women.

In the swimming world, “Lia Thomas” has caused quite the stir, as he is a biological male and avid swimmer, competing for 3-years on the men’s team with great success.

Thomas underwent hormone therapy – in the process of “transitioning” to a woman.

He now competes on his college women’s swim team – providing a grossly fair disadvantage to the women.

Thomas is crushing records, winning 3 events – with 2 of them ranking in the fastest time in the entire country, reported Swimming World.

Clearly, his biological male body has given him the cutting edge over his female competitors.

Outraged at what is happening to women’s sports, Cynthia Millen resigned from her position as a swimming official, and publicly stated her reason why.

Swimming World reported:

“I told my fellow officials that I can no longer participate in a sport which allows biological men to compete against women,” Millen wrote in her resignation letter.

“Everything fair about swimming is being destroyed. If Lia came on my deck as a referee, I would pull the coach aside and say, ‘Lia can swim, but Lia can swim exhibition or a time trial. Lia cannot compete against those women because that’s not fair.’”

And it’s not just swimming – “transgender” athletes are crushing records in nearly every sport – from wrestling to track.

Time after time again, they’ve infiltrated their way into every area of high school and college sports – discouraging females who know they’ll no longer be able to win again.

In track, one high school female was heartbroken that she lost her college scholarship, simply because a biological male can run faster than she can.

Where are the “pro-women” advocates now?

Surely they should be outraged that women are discriminated against, and being crushed by men.

But they’re silent, because we all know the left isn’t really “pro-women” – they are simply pro their own agenda – whatever the cost.

Females losing scholarships is deemed as a simple “causality” to advance the greater good of LGBT “rights.”

Thankfully, some politicians have the courage to stand up to the left – and ban males from competing in female sports.

But with Biden advocating for “transgender” policies in nearly everything he does – the road ahead looks bleak.

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