Exposed: Transgender Drug Is Killing Thousands 

It is already known how transgender transitions are damaging to one’s psychological and spiritual state. 

Adding drugs that wreak havoc on your hormones can only compound the issue, leaving confused and depressed individuals with a body fighting against itself. 

Research is surfacing that shows taking harmful transgender transition drugs may not just ruin your life but take your life altogether. 

The Daily Wire reports:

More than 6,300 adults have died from reactions to a drug that is used as a puberty blocker in gender-confused children, Food & Drug Administration data shows.”

A drug that doctors know has killed adults is being administered to kids with less of an immune-system and half the weight of its victims!

Leuprolide Acetate (Lupron) is a hormone blocker drug clinically approved for precocious puberty, a condition where children begin puberty sooner than thought appropriate, explains MedLine Plus.

It is meant to be used short-term, until an age in which the child is thought they are ready to begin puberty.

If you are one of the “lucky” ones that doesn’t die from Lupron, you may still be one of the thousands who suffer from adverse reactions. 

The Christian Post reports:

Between 2012 and June 30 of this year, the FDA documented over 40,764 adverse reactions suffered by patients who took Leuprolide Acetate (Lupron), which is used as a hormone blocker. More than 25,500 reactions logged from 2014-2019 were considered ‘serious,’ including 6,370 deaths.”

Among those harmed are children who are being given Lupron for off-label use “treatment” of gender dysphoria.

This is despite the FDA not approving the drug for this kind of use, and the overwhelming empirical evidence against it being in the child’s best interest, as Mommy Underground has previously reported. 

In April, Michael Laidlaw, a endocrinologist from California, spoke out against doctors who are giving testosterone to girls with gender dysphoria as young as eight, reports The Daily Wire.

He was confused as to why a psychological disorder was being treated with dangerous pharmaceutical drugs rather than with “proper psychological care.”

According to Laidlaw, gender dysphoria is not an endocrine issue at all until these children are given drugs that disrupt their hormones, and then it becomes a medical issue. 

Lupron is becoming extremely popular in the United States with sales in 2017 reaching around $669 million, according to an annual report by AbbVie, the company who produces the drug. 

It is hard to believe that any doctor who pledged to do no harm would give an eight year old child a drug that will risk their lives with no medical benefit.

Laidlaw shares in the shock, saying:

Imagine giving 8-year-old girls testosterone. They are in 3rd or 4th grade. This is unbelievable. But this is going on.”

In elementary school, a child’s concerns should consist of what was packed for lunch that day or if they are able to make it to their best friend’s birthday party, not learning how to navigate a body that isn’t your own!

Sadly, liberals have led so many children into thinking that they may not be created just as they are supposed to be, and so many parents into thinking that they don’t love their kids if they stand in the way of sexual-orientation experimentation. 

It is okay for parents to be honest with their children, and not just politically correct. Support doesn’t always come in the form of complacency.

Please let us know in the comments section what you think about doctors administering deadly drugs to children with a psychological disorder.