Heroic 7-Year-Old Boy Swims Over an Hour to Save His Baby Sister Trapped in A Vicious Current

Photo by Afshin Taylor Darian


7-year-old Chase Poust was enjoying swimming in the river with his little sister while his father fished in the boat.

But then out of nowhere, a strong current came through, taking away his 4-year-old baby sister Abigail.

When the father jumped in the river to save his baby, he too was swept away – leaving Chase as the only one who could save both of them.

When Chase saw his baby sister getting swept away by the current, he let go of the boat and tried to save her, but then found himself being swept away too.

The father desperately tried to save his children, telling them he loved them as he didn’t know if they’d survive, and told Chase to swim to shore for help.

So little 7-year-old Chase desperately tried to swim for help… for over an entire hour.

His body was tired, so he tried floating on his back, doing everything he could to alert somebody that his family needed help.

Finally little Chase made it to shore and was able to knock on a neighbor’s door to get help.

And because of his persistence and determination to save his precious family, little Chase found help just in the nick of time.

Thankfully a team of agencies worked together to rescue the family, who were found about 2 miles from their boat.

Little Abigail survived, as she was wearing a life-jacket, as required by Florida law.

And the team was able to save dad too!

The Christian Post reported:

“A spokesperson for the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department said at a news conference that they reached the boat but had to call in other agencies to expand the search. The outcome could have been different had the other agencies not stepped in to help.

“We had every resource we could have possibly had coming quickly, and we’re happy to say all three have been recovered, and all three are doing well,” the spokesperson said. “We couldn’t ask for a better outcome.”

Wow, Chase is quite the little hero!

What could have ended in tragedy, had a happy ending thanks to the bravery of this little boy.

So many times, kids have stepped in to save the day.

Like the 12-year-old boy who rescued a toddler from a hot car.


Or the teenage boy who actually went into a burning house to rescue his family.

We’re thankful for all the heroes in this world who step up in the face of danger – but we want to take a special moment to praise all of our kid heroes.

Thank you for your willingness to be brave even when it’s hard. You’re already making a difference in this world at such a young age.

Stories of these little heroes should serve as a reminder to us all that even our little ones can do big things.

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