If Your Child Suffers From Insomnia, Their Bedroom Might Be To Blame

Check The Temperature:  Think about your own sleep habits – can you sleep well if you are hot or freezing cold?

Probably not!

Make sure your child’s room has a comfortable temperature.

You may have to bring in extra blankets in the winter, or open up the windows in the summer (or even put a fan on blast) if your child is hot in the summer.

The simplest thing such as adjusting the room temperature can make your child more comfortable, and therefore make it easier to sleep!

So, moms, your child may truly struggle with insomnia or have a sleep disorder.

But first, try these simple tips above and see if you notice an improvement in your child’s sleep habits.

What are some tips you have for other moms on how to prepare a child’s room for bedtime?

Have you struggled with raising a child who has a hard time falling asleep?

What worked best for your family?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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