Moms, Here’s How To Get Your Peace Back And Forgive The Unthinkable

  1. Pray To Change Your Thinking:

During your quiet time, pray to God for guidance.

Maybe the situation illuminated an unknown area in your life you need to work on (anger, patience, etc).

And learn the truth that whatever you feed grows stronger.

If you continue to feed your thoughts with holding grudges and seeking out revenge, you will further get yourself spun up.

One mom shares her thoughts on holding grudges.

Scary Mommy reported:

“I think grudge-holding develops as a coping mechanism based on some of your early life experiences. But you decide whether or not you want to continue letting that past experience control you and dictate the way you respond to similar situations. Keeping in mind that even if you decide you want to turn your life around it’s going to take daily effort to change your way of thinking.”

So after you’ve grieved, consider addressing your thought life and make sure to feed your soul with things that are healthy – prayer, quality family time, rest, etc.