Surefire Ways To Stop The Teething Madness Today

  1. Wear teething jewelry

It has gained popularity in recent days to wear jewelry that is designed for a baby to put into their mouth- after all, you know they are going to regardless of your fashion choice.

Most teething necklaces are easy to find, and are made from silicone. This flexible material doesn’t break off, and has been deemed safer than plastic for children.

Forbes reported:

While not a “100% natural” material like rubber, food-grade silicone is a non-toxic polymer mostly made from silica (sand). It can withstand heating and freezing without leaching or off-gassing, hazardous chemicals – unlike plastics, which contaminate food in these environments. It is also odor- and stain-resistant, hypoallergenic, and because of it’s smooth surface, very easy to clean. For these reasons, and because it is soft life rubber and does not break, it is the perfect material for eco-friendly and non-toxic baby products in particular.”

While wearing these trendy pieces, you never have to worry about forgetting the teething ring at home, and there is one to match every outfit.