Surefire Ways To Stop The Teething Madness Today

  1. Amber necklaces

 It seems like every mom is trying the popularized baby accessory of amber necklaces.

The fossilized tree resin is reported to offer pain relief when worn against the skin.

The Bump reveals the secret behind amber’s effects:

Some people believe that these amber necklaces have soothing properties when worn by baby due to the presence of succinic acid, a natural substance that is said to act as a painkiller when absorbed by the body.”

While testimonials overwhelmingly report success with the necklace, safety concerns are to be considered.

Be cautious with anything that is around a baby’s neck. The necklace should fit like a choker necklace – you can find helpful diagrams on the internet. Never leave a child unattended, or sleeping with the necklace on. Many varieties are offered as a bracelet or anklet as well.