Surefire Ways To Stop The Teething Madness Today

  1. Hazelwood

Wood is not generally thought of as being healing. The hazel wood tree, however, has ancient origins of medicinal use.

Healing Mama Remedies reported:

Hazelwood comes from the branches of Corylus cornuta, a widespread indigenous bush that grows throughout many regions of Canada.  Hazelwood teething necklaces are made from natural 100% sustainably harvested hazelwood. Hazelwood jewelry is an unconventional and very original product.  This wood has been traditionally used for its medicinal properties for centuries, by indigenous people.  Research shows that Hazelwood is rich in active compounds which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.”

More mothers are turning to this safe material, which is often found in the form of necklaces.

Like the amber necklace, you need to be aware of safety concerns, and closely monitor little ones when they are wearing jewelry.

Hazelwood can lose its potency after time. When the wood turns almost black, it has run its course and will need to be replaced.

Give all of these natural methods for teething relief a try to see which suits your child’s preferences the best.

Some children will take to one method over the other, and whatever works should be utilized as long as it is safe for you and baby.

Hopefully with some more tools in your super mommy belt, you can help your baby or toddler through this painful experience with a little less fussy moments, and a little more shut eye.

Please let us know in the comments section if any of these natural remedies were effective, and if you have some we did not mention that worked wonders for your little one.