The Slippery Slope Continues: Nation’s First “Transgender” State Senator Gets Elected

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash


The 2020 election will certainly go down in history – although the full ending has not yet been written.

From voter fraud charges being filed in courts throughout the country to election machine nightmares – Biden may have “won” – but pending legal action we’ll see how things play out.

However in one state race – one man certainly made history all right – but in the worst way possible.

For the first time in American history, a biological male who “identifies” as a woman was elected to serve as a state senator.

The guy goes by the name “Sarah” and won in Biden’s home state of Delaware.

Sadly, it’s not surprising the liberal wins trickled down to state races, as Biden carried Delaware with nearly 59 percent of the vote.

Of course, LGBT activists are ravishing in their victory, calling it a win for “human rights.”

Politico reported:

“The Human Rights Campaign‘s president, Alphonso David, lauded McBride‘s victory in a statement on Tuesday night.

“Tonight, Sarah made history not just for herself but for our entire community,” David said. “She gives a voice to the marginalized as a representative and an advocate. This victory, the first of what I expect to be many in her career, shows that any person can achieve their dream, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation.”

But all this does is send the message to confused “transgender” individuals that their lifestyle is normal, and they too can succeed.

Instead of being told the truth, that changing genders is not healthy and harmful, they’re being applauded.

Of course, even Biden endorsed children becoming “transgender” if that’s what their little heart desired, so it’s not surprising the people in his state see nothing wrong with this behavior.

Even more horrifying, having an elected “transgender” state senator is all but certain to push even more LGBT policies onto our children.

After all, it was California who voted to loosen the punishment of pedophiles – all in the name of “LGBT rights.”

Elections have consequences, and when liberals are elected to office, they WILL push their agenda onto the masses.

Thankfully, now that conservatives control the Supreme Court, hopefully should out-of-control politicians go rouge with their sick LGBT agenda – they can be stopped by the highest court in the land.

But it’s bound to be an uphill battle – especially if Biden holds on to the election he allegedly “won.”

One of the greatest services a conservative can do for their country is to run for office – and win.

America needs conservative legislators who will stand up to the pro-LGBT agenda and the pro-aborts who simply want to eradicate family values.

If the good guys don’t get elected, sadly we’ll continue to see more “victories” for the LGBT community like the first ever “transgender” state senator elected to office.

May God have mercy on our country.

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