This Dangerous LGBT Trend May Be Coming To A Library Near You!

Each summer, moms enjoy taking their children to the public library to engage their children in summer reading programs and explore new books.

But a dangerous new trend is taking place at multiple libraries, and every mom must be on the lookout.

And if moms don’t know the horrors taking place at their local library, children could suffer horrific trauma at the exposure to the unthinkable.

LGBT activists are determined to get their hands on innocent children, and they are doing everything they can to surround themselves with children.

From becoming leftist teachers and principals and attempting to indoctrinate children, to creating “transgender” summer camps , they will not stop.

And as Mommy Underground previously reported, they’ve even resorted to writing children’s books, introducing LGBT concepts to children at a young age.

But as expected, they want more.

It’s not enough for them to just write about the LGBT lifestyle to children, they want to actually expose themselves and the perverse agenda they live to innocent children.

And libraries are giving them full access to do so.

The latest trend at libraries is so outrageous, it almost isn’t believable.

As it turns out, libraries are having actual “drag queens” read LGBT stories to children at the library!

And libraries are marketing these events as “family friendly”.

These “drag queens” claim their hook is playing into the imagination of children, and teaching children that they too can grow up to be whatever they want to be.

LifeSite News reported:

“Last year, the Winnipeg Public Library hosted “Read by Queens” for the first time, billing it as a “family storytime event” with books being read to children by drag queens.

Levi Foy, who goes by the name Prairie Sky, was enthusiastic about the opportunity, noting that, “A lot of us do drag because we like to show that you can be anything you want to be. That’s what’s going to make this event really, really special, because kids are so imaginative, and for them to be able to grow up knowing that one day they can be whatever they want to be, or tomorrow they can be whatever they want to be — that’s what I really hope they take away from it.”

Imagine the horror, of taking your four-year-old child to the library for story time, and having the presenter be a grown man dressed in drag.

It’s repulsive, and absolutely sickening that the LGBT community is so obsessed with targeting young children.

Drag queens are known for their “hyper-feminized” clothing, and often dance in clubs promoting raunchy activities.

And now, these faux-strippers are reading stories to children in the library.

Parents should be able to take their child to the library, without having to expose them to a “drag queen” lifestyle and traumatize their young minds.

It’s a sad day, where parents have to constantly remain vigilant in areas that were once deemed safe.

A little girl can’t even go to the bathroom in some places, without fear of a grown “transgender” using the stall next to her.

And now, LGBT activists are seeking to pollute and poison a once precious moment cherished by families.

If conservatives don’t rise up and take a stand, the LGBT community will continue to push the line, and work their way into every aspect of children’s activities.

What are your thoughts on the “drag queen” children’s story hour at local libraries?

Would you take your child to the library if you knew there would be a “drag queen” present?

What are some precautions you take in your home to shield your child from the LGBT agenda?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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Here is a video showing the “drag queen” story time taking place at libraries. Warning! This video is deeply upsetting.

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