Top 10 Ways Kids Signal They Want Your Help

  1. They never want to discuss their feelings

Boys and girls are very different generally when discussing how they feel. Boys like to express things more physically, while girls prefer to rack up a word count.

Asking your kids about how they are feeling may be an odd question if you don’t normally talk about those sort of things.

Get creative when trying to get through to a child who won’t open up. Give your boy options in action form to represent their feelings, such as stomping if they are mad or falling to the floor if they are sad.

US News reported:

The latest statistics from the National Institute of Mental Health show that anxiety disorders affect 1 in 8 children. Untreated anxiety disorders put children at risk for a range of issues from poor school performance, difficulty maintaining peer relationships and sleep disturbance to substance abuse as they get older.”

Staying on top of communication with our children is more vital today than ever before. Children are exposed to more horrific scenes, and social structures have become more complex.

Look out for signs that your child may be emotionally troubled, and don’t wait to address it.

There is no perfect time to bring up potentially uncomfortable conversations with your children, but the longer issues go unaddressed the harder they are to remedy.

Please let us know in the comments section if you have had an effective approach to addressing a child’s emotional concerns.