Trump Cuts Funding For Hundreds Of Abortion Clinics

Loud liberal America has brought death to millions of unborn children, drowning out their cries with their rhetoric.

In a society that has suffered so much with families being destroyed and human life devalued, another victory in the pro-life arena is long overdue.

Trump has vowed to stand for the constitutional right to life and now has proven his defense in a powerful way.

It has long been known that organizations like Planned Parenthood have been taking the American’s hard earned money and using it as a source of death.

Fox News reported:

“The Trump administration announced Friday that it intends to bar taxpayer-funded family planning centers from promoting or performing abortions or referring women to other clinics for them — a move that is likely to yank money from groups like Planned Parenthood.”

Despite moral objection to the abhorrent act of abortions, taxpayers are forced to contribute, facing legal repercussions if they resist.

Millions in federal funding has been making its way to abortion clinics through a grant called Title X, which is supposed to be used for low-income families to receive “birth control, testing of sexually transmitted diseases, and cancer screenings,” according to the Washington Examiner.

Over 4 million women use the Title X program, and hopefully, these women will use pro-life clinics after the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revises their regulations.

Most notably changes to the one that “prohibits the use of Title X funds to perform, promote, refer for, or support abortion as a method of family planning” will make a positive impact.

Title X costs about $260 million annually, with $50-60 million of that going towards Planned Parenthood, according to the Washington Examiner.

Upon the inception of the fund in 1970, Congress “was clear that Title X funds cannot be used to support abortion,” states the HHS.

HHS added:

Consistent with the statutory requirement that no funds may be expended where abortion is a method of family planning, this regulation no longer requires, and affirmatively prohibits, referral for abortion as a method of family planning.

It’s ironic that liberals even call abortions “family planning.” A family would require the existence of the children, and planning only needs to be done when you are bringing a new life into this world.

Planned Parenthood has used loopholes in the system for years to extract funds from the government, collecting the money for the specified services and then putting it back into promoting the baby death chambers.

The revisions to Title X are a victory on side of pro-family proponents but have sparked outrage among groups looking to see America become a leader in abortion performance.

In a ludicrous statement by Dr. Leana Wen, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, she said the new rule was “unconscionable and unethical,” according to Fox News.

Quite the opposite is true, it is unethical to take a human life that has done nothing wrong, a life that cannot defend itself against the tirade of liberal mobsters.

Wen continued:

This rule compromises the oath that I took to serve patients and help them with making the best decision for their own health. Patients expect their doctors to speak honestly with them, to answer their questions, to help them in their time of need.”

Planned Parenthood is against informed consent, which tells women the whole truth about the risks of their abortion, and what the baby will be going through during the process.

Somehow, they are disillusioned in thinking that promoting abortions is speaking “honestly’ with their patients.

It is extremely rare, less than 1% according to, for an abortion to be done to save the mother.

The health of the mother is not an issue in the case of abortions, but, on the contrary, the health of the baby is of dire concern.

Conservatives are not being fooled by Wen’s empty remarks, as she has already stated that abortions are her priority as president of the worst organization since the Nazi Party, as Mommy Underground has previously reported.

If Planned Parenthood were to try and keep their Title X funding under the new regulations they would have to build separate entrances and exits apart from the part of the clinic that engages in abortions, build entirely different buildings, or hire a separate staff to provide only the services that are allowed, reports the Washington Examiner.

The left is not going to sit quietly while this profound and life-saving rule is implemented, but then again they don’t sit quietly for anything.

Conservatives have a voice in this country, and it isn’t rude, it isn’t obnoxious, but it is powerful.

Hopefully, we will see a shift in the hearts and minds of the pro-death community after the center of the movement is hit- their wallet.

Please let us know in the comments section what you think of the Title X revisions, and if Planned Parenthood has a shot at defeating it in court.