What I Want My Children To Know This Election Day

  1. Take them voting

This is something I have been very passionate about. I have taken my children to the polls with me every time – primaries, midterms and general elections.

This started when my youngest was just a few weeks old. It was one of my first solo outings as a new mom and it is one I am most proud of.

My now 8-year-old has gone voting with me every single time except one when I went while he was at school. He noticed his younger siblings’ ‘I voted sticker’ and immediately asked why we went without him.

Needless to say, we stopped by our polling place on the way home from school to talk to the pollsters outside. I explained why I couldn’t take him in to vote again and he settled for a campaign sticker and a picture.

This was a teachable moment for both of us. I hadn’t realized how much I had already influenced my then 6-year-old. I was proud of him and disappointed in myself – mom guilt, can I get an amen?!