What I Want My Children To Know This Election Day

  1. Mock elections

Kids love mimicking adults. They make up games copying what they see us do everyday.

Set up a mock election!

You can vote for teddy bears or favorite foods or make up your own candidates.

I still remember my kindergarten teacher passing out ballots for us to vote – Clinton or Bush. Yes, I’m getting old.

But that memory and even the image of the ballot is still fresh in my memory.

So when my son’s kindergarten class held mock elections – a teacher vs a beloved grandparent – I was thrilled. And my son was excited!

Moms, your children are watching!

What message are you sending they this Election Day?

Are they watching you complain about a candidate or the voting process?

Are you getting them involved or leaving them in the dark?

It may add a little stress to your day – believe me I get it – but taking them with you will mean so much to them and to the future of our country.

They are never to young; they are never too old!

I urge you to take the time to have an important conversation with your children today, right now, about why voting is so important and why it sets America apart.