3 Ways You Can Defeat Insomnia Once And For All

  1. Acknowledge The Battle:

The first way to defeat insomnia is to acknowledge it exists and is actually happening to you.

Many moms have struggled with insomnia for months but still think their lack of sleep is from “too much coffee” or not enough sleep the night before.

And before they know it, moms are caught in a vicious cycle of sleepless nights and feel helpless to fix it.

But by realizing you have a legitimate struggle, you can begin to tackle the insomnia beast.

Scary Mommy reported on one mom’s personal struggle:

“Insomnia happened, and unbeknownst to me, it can strike randomly at any time, at any age, and for a variety of different reasons. Besides the fact that it’s a royal pain in the sleepless ass because there is nothing decent on TV at 3 a.m., it wreaks absolute havoc on your parenting the next day. And the next day. And the next.

When you’re being awoken by a hungry baby or sick child, it’s almost as if you can understand the loss and lack of sleep, and convince yourself it’s only a phase.

But when insomnia strikes, it brings with it a relentless cycle of anxiety and worry about the next night’s sleep, and the next, and the next. And somehow the fact that it’s your own body causing the sleepless nights makes it all the worse, because now yours is the only body to blame.”

By realizing you struggle with insomnia, you can take a deep breath and work to fix it, instead of letting the anxiety add to the problem and make it worse.