7 Stress Relieving Moments Parents Can Take

It’s no secret parents don’t get a lot of personal time, but that is even more reason to make the most of the moments you do get. 

Being a parent is hard- yet rewarding- work that begins with children jumping on your bed and ends with an exhausting battle over brushing teeth.

We wouldn’t trade in the gift of guiding and protecting our little ones through their childhood for anything, but having some activities that reduce the stress of it all can make the experience that much better. 

A recent study has come to the surface showing how parents get less than 30 minutes a day to themselves, reports Motherly.

I know what you are saying to yourself right now. 

Duh! Where can you find 30 minutes alone when you can’t even go to the bathroom without little fingers under the door or a child yelling that they can’t find their soccer ball. 

But every mom needs some time to herself, to unwind from the busy day and being constantly relied on. 

When you get a chance to recharge, it not only gives you the positive energy you need to be at your best, but it allows you to remember you are an individual with thoughts beyond “How do I get my toddler to stop ripping the clothes out of the dresser?”

Try one of these quick de-stressing ideas to give yourself a breather, ready to get back in the parenting game at 100%.

Take a walk

We don’t mean your typical stroll either. Really engage with your environment, letting every sense take in a piece of creation. 

Hear the birds sing, watch the squirrels collect acorns, feel the grass beneath your feet, smell the crisp autumn air carrying in the pine, and sip on a cup of herbal tea. 

Let go of all the worry you have bound up about the day, and absorb the peace of nature…sans phone of course!

Take a bath

Moms daydream about the days when they had time to take a long bath with a glass of wine and a good magazine.

There is no reason you can’t still enjoy those soothing moments, just with a little more preparation and a little less lingering. 

Stock up on your lavender and set aside some good reading material because grabbing an afternoon mini bath is just what the doctor ordered. 

Get moving

Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports:

Scientists have found that regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-esteem. About five minutes of aerobic exercise can begin to stimulate anti-anxiety effects.”

You don’t need to get an hour Zumba session in at the gym in order for exercise to calm the nerves. 

Go for a short jog around the neighborhood (even if you have to bring the babies napping in the stroller), or do a circuit of squats, push-ups, and jumping jacks to get the blood pumping.

Or put in a good 30 minute workout in the other room while your kids are watching their favorite television show in the evening, as Mommy Underground has previously reported. 

Catch up with a friend

Hectic schedules and weekend events are not conducive to maintaining close friendships like we would want to. 

Forget about the pile of laundry waiting for you with a nice long phone call to your BFF. 

Make sure to set the time for the phone call prior to making it so you can be sure to have some uninterrupted time to talk about that bad hair style you stuck with throughout high school.

Write a letter

What’s better than catching up with a friend? Catching up with five friends!

Take out the old stationary set you got for your birthday ten years ago and write a short letter to a few different friends and family that you have lost touch with.

It doesn’t have to be a novel, but a quick recap of your life since you last spoke and a sincere interest in what they have been up to can do wonders for your spirit. 

Peruse a bookstore 

Before children, a nice afternoon might have consisted of browsing the mystery aisle at your favorite bookstore.

Children make that a bit of a disaster with the removal of every book on the bottom two shelves and all. 

Take a short trip to a bookstore to relieve some stress. Pick up a latte and rummage a few home renovation magazines and see if your favorite author has come out with anything new. 

Spa hour

…Or half hour if that is all you have. Taking a spa day may be out of the question, but you can hit the highlights at home in a fraction of the time with a little preparation.

Do a facial, exfoliate your skin, shave your legs (we know you need it), wax your eyebrows, and paint your toenails.

You will come out of the bathroom a new woman- guaranteed!

These all sound great, right? But how can a busy parent take the time to do one of these amazing stress reducing activities?

You may be one of those parents who have a super affordable, and trust-worthy, student around the corner that can come play with the kids whenever you need. 

If you are one of these parents, use them to get some much-needed wind-down time in. 

Reliable child-care may not be as accessible for you, and that’s ok. Maybe allow them to watch an educational cartoon in the evenings for 30 minutes, or trade-off an uninterrupted hour with your husband once a week. 

Sometimes, the most stressful moments come in the middle of the day when no one is around to give you a hand.

Set up a safe craft for the kids at the table, equipped with ample glue and glitter, while you write letters or paint your nails off to the side. 

Being a parent is hard work. Give yourself a break every once in a while to decompress, you deserve it!

You are not a bad mom for needing a moment, and your kids will only be benefitted by mom 2.0 after your break.

Please let us know in the comments section what you do to relieve stress, and how you manage that time.