A New Era Of Life: Amy Coney Barrett Destroys Liberals Warped View Of Women

Photo by The White House on Flickr.com


For decades, liberals have peddled the lie that to be successful a woman must choose between her “career” and having a baby.

Which is why when President Trump announced Amy Coney Barrett, a proud mother of seven, as the next nominee to the United States Supreme Court – the world was stunned at the thought of perhaps the liberal narrative simply wasn’t true.

Amy’s nomination destroyed the left’s warped view that women must slay their unborn babies to succeed and proved what conservatives have said all along.

Every conservative knows a mother can have a baby and choose to have a career if that’s what she wants to do.

Some women prefer to work in the home– others out in the field – but the beauty is women can have the freedom to choose their career without being forced to sacrifice their own baby.

Liberals have long argued this was impossible.

Who could forget the disgusting speech by Michelle Williams as she accepted her award – crediting her success at the “freedom” to murder unborn babies.

Even worse – her speech was met by a loud applause from the Hollywood-left who seemed to agree abortion was the only way to get ahead.

It was absolutely disgusting, yet many women listening have bought into the lie they must sacrifice their own baby to be successful.

For decades, liberals have sold this faulty narrative – promising abortion will provide women freedom to chase their dreams – as if having a baby would suddenly ruin everything.

But Amy Coney Barrett broke every stereotype liberals have tried to sell.

She is a loyal wife and proud mother of seven children – 1 of whom has special needs and 2 who were adopted from Haiti.

Not only is she proud of her family – but she is an accomplished career woman.

Life News reported:

“She is, as President Trump said Saturday, “a woman of unparalleled achievement, towering intellect, sterling credentials, and unyielding loyalty to the Constitution.”

The fact Amy can be all these things while being a mother drives liberals off the deep end.

But conservative women everywhere are relieved to see an actual woman they can look up to.

While some tout Ruth Bader Ginsberg as “paving the way for women” – her pro-abort stance has done nothing to help unborn babies.

Of course, liberals are panicking at the thought of a conservative woman actually having a seat on the highest court in America.

They can not stand it that Amy represents everything they’ve said could never be done, so of course in typical leftist fashion, they’ve started to attack her personally.

Some have called into question how she adopted her children and if she did so the right way.

Others have flat out claimed Amy only adopted two children from Haiti to avoid being called a racist.

But regardless of their attacks, it appears Amy has the votes to be the next Supreme Court Justice, and one can only pray she’ll use her power for good.

With Ginsburg’s era of death behind us, we can look forward to an era of life.

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