LGBT Activists Infiltrate Retail Ad And Degrade Marriage In A Sickening Way

Once again, LGBT activists have taken their deranged agenda mainstream in the retail world, but this time they went right for the heart.

Knowing heterosexual marriage is a sacred act before God, and a cherished worldwide celebration of love, they couldn’t help but stick a perverted twist on the image of the “beloved bride.”

And now the image of a happy bride and groom on their wedding day has been twisted into something perverted, on display for all to see.

The marriage industry is a booming giant that will never go out of business.

And in a desperate attempt to draw attention to a dying brand, one company released a commercial that will horrify you.

After all, there’s nothing more wholesome and pure than a bride all dressed in white walking down the aisle to become one with her husband, before God and a sea of witnesses.

The wedding industry plays to this, as once a woman becomes engaged (and even before) there are countless marketing ads thrown at her, persuading her to say “yes to the dress.”

And once the bride picks her beloved dress, it is seen as a celebration.

So how can LGBT activists succeed in hijacking such a beautiful moment?


By releasing an ad with a bride selecting her dress… but not just one bride, two.

David’s Bridal, a well-known and established player in the wedding industry has just released their latest retail ad with not one, but two brides, both implied to be celebrating by “marrying” each other.

LifeSite News reported:

“We wanted to make sure this spot represented what we see from brides today,” David’s Bridal chief marketing officer Liz Crystal said. “We value every type of bride.”

The ad campaign includes a TV spot featuring non-traditional brides, showing a female couple and also a bride and groom holding their baby during the wedding ceremony.

In the ad, the female couple is seen dancing in wedding dresses, presumably at their wedding reception, before a male guest cuts in to dance with one of the brides.”

Yet again, LGBT activists have plunged the knife into something pure.

And this desperate attempt to placate the LGBT agenda is bound to backfire in a major way.

Target learned their lesson, after promoting a “gay pride” line for kids, and pushing “transgender” dressing rooms.

Their stocks plummeted.

But sadly, this is nothing new.

Levi recently promoted the “Live in Levi’s” series which included promoting their brand to be more “inclusive” and market to the “transgender” audience.

And let’s not forget Sephora who is using their name and reputation to offer free makeup classes for “transgender” people.

NBC News reported:

“The company recently announced it would introduce a class called “Bold Beauty for the Transgender Community” to its current slate of makeup programming. Beginning in June, each 90-minute session will feature personalized skincare advice, application techniques and complexion tips designed for “clients of all gender expressions,” according to a company press release.”

LGBT activists are using every medium possible to push their agenda onto the masses.

And they hope by making the “transgender” and homosexual lifestyle seem normal, more people will join their team.

What are your thoughts on David Bridal’s latest commercial showing two brides in a wedding dress “marrying each other”?

Do you think LGBT activists will continue to gain success infiltrating the retail market?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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