Shocking New Selfie Trend Is Causing Tragic Results

Fox News reported:

“The parents of a Texas teen who was killed last year in a car crash after taking off her seat belt to take a selfie are raising awareness on car safety.

Kailee Mills, 16, of Spring, Texas, was in a car with her friends on Oct. 28, 2017, when the car went off the road. The car was just down the street from Mills’ home before she unbuckled her seat belt to snap the photograph. The teenager was ejected from the vehicle and died”

When Mills took her seat belt off, presumably because she thought it was going to decrease the quality of the picture, the car went off the road ejecting her.

She tragically died instantly, while the other inhabitants of the car were unscathed with their seat belts still on.

The parents of Mills hope kids learn from the young death of their daughter. They have joined forces with the “Click it or Ticket” campaign in Texas.

You should never take selfies while driving a motor vehicle, and as a passenger wearing a seat belt should be a no compromise when it comes to taking a selfie.