Teen Girl Speaks Out About A Grown Adult Male Using The Same Locker Room At Local YMCA

Photo by Memphis CVB on Flickr.com


17-year-old Rebecca Phillips had just finished working out at her local YMCA and went to shower in the women’s locker room as she usually does.

But she was horrified when she saw a grown adult male walking around the women’s locker room naked.

And you won’t believe the opposition she faced when she told her story.

Rebecca stated how she hid behind the shower curtain in fear – until the man finally left.

One can’t imagine how scary it must have been for a young girl to find herself in a locker room with an adult naked male!

But when she went to the YMCA staff and explained what happened – they told her that their policies allowed individuals to use whatever bathroom or locker room they “identify with” – and nothing could be done. 

Of course, Phillips felt dismissed and made to feel like SHE was in the wrong for saying something! 

Even when her father called – he was met with the same dismissiveness while YMCA staff assured him his minor daughter was safe with a grown naked man in the women’s locker room. 

Fox News reported:

“She continued, “I was made to feel as though I had done something wrong when I talked to people at the YMCA.”

Phillips claims that her father tried to contact management repeatedly before speaking with the branch’s director of membership, who assured him that his daughter was not in any danger.”

Still not satisfied, this brave young girl decided to speak at her local city council meeting, thinking surely they’d do something about the situation. 

The National Review reported:

“Choking up as she gave her testimony to the council, Phillips said, 

“I could only think of my five-year-old sister who I bring to this gym during the summer to enjoy their water slides…The locker room was supposed to be her safe haven to gossip with her friends and shower and change.”

And she’s exactly right.

Imagine what would have happened if her little sister had been exposed to this naked man!

Or if the grown man had seen her naked!

It’s unconscionable.

Talk about a haven for pedophiles.

No child should have to endure this. Period. 

But of course, local officials in San Diego are more concerned with expanding “transgender rights” than protecting the innocence of children.

Places that have “transgender” bathrooms and locker rooms are guaranteed to have an increase in the sexual assault of young girls.

Who knows how many innocent children will be forced to suffer because radical politicians choose to push through an agenda and sacrifice children along the way.

Then again, endorsing LGBT policies is a pet project of President Joe Biden – who even encourages it in children. 

Sadly, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened, and under Biden’s new normal, it won’t be the last.

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