TikTok Users Torment Mom Of Child With Special Needs Telling Her To Kill Him

Photo by FUMIGRAPHIK_Photographist on Flickr.com


It’s no secret the internet can be a brutal place – and for one mom with a child who has special needs – she found out just how dark it can be.

To raise awareness of her son’s disability, she started posting pictures of him online, telling his story.

But nothing prepared her for the harsh comments that followed next.

Amber is a young mom who gave birth to a baby named Derek who suffered from a rare brain disorder, causing facial deformities.

Apparently, Amber knew her son had a severe medical condition, but didn’t realize how bad it was until the end of her pregnancy.

Although she had considered abortion, praise God, she decided to be brave and give birth to her son, loving him regardless.

Even though her son had facial deformities, Amber wanted to share his story to show the world even though her child has special needs, he still has value and worth!

Often times, when it’s found out a mom is carrying a baby with special needs, she’s told to abort her precious baby.

Others assume most moms would abort their baby if they knew they would have life-long medical challenges.

But Amber wanted to change the narrative and speak out against abortion, showing the beauty of life.

So she started to share her story on TikTok.

And while some people gave their support – others were downright rude, even brutal with their responses.

Of course, the pro-abort crowd wanted to use Amber’s story as a case to justify abortion.

Live Action reported:

“When Amber began to share her story on TikTok, she received support, but she also received a large amount of hate from pro-abortion individuals. According to The Mirror, after Amber uploaded a video of her son waking up, she received numerous cruel comments:

You wouldn’t put an animal through this so why a tiny helpless baby. Must have shown on scans.

I’m sorry but that scared me.

It’s going to be the hardest life why even keep it alive?

One viewer even asked if he was an aborted baby and called him an “animal.”

Can you imagine having anyone call your baby an “animal” and question your desire to keep your own child alive?

It’s truly horrendous.

The internet has turned into a cruel place where complete strangers type out harsh words at others – as if they forget there’s a real human being on the other side of the screen.

Moms raising children with special needs struggle enough – the last thing they need is a complete stranger telling them they should kill their own baby.

The world may be dark and cold, but let’s try and show each other a little compassion and love – it really does go a long way.

Every baby is beautiful in their own way and is worthy of life!

Cheers to Amber for loving her son so wonderfully and proudly telling his story to the world.

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