Top 10 Beauty And Hygiene Products You Can Make At Home

I know looking at all of these recipes, and realizing how many chemicals you use in a typical day can be intimidating. Start with recipe one and take a week to transition to recipe 2, and so on.

The change to natural living doesn’t have to be overnight; unless that is your style, then go for it. Every transition to being chemical-free will give you a higher quality of life. Not to mention, the peace of mind that you are doing your part to keep a cleaner Earth.

More importantly, pushing those chemicals far away from your body keeps them farther from your children’s bodies.

Please let us know if you try out one of these recipes, and what you think. If you have a recipe that you have found works better, let us know that too!

Want to learn the difference between a crunchy and silky momma? Check out our article “Crunchy Mommy Madness” to get the lowdown.