Top 10 Beauty And Hygiene Products You Can Make At Home

With all the germs lurking around every doorknob and playground, moms want to sanitize those little hands incessantly.

Traditional hand sanitizers are alcohol based and often have other toxic additives. Make your own at home, and then keep some in your purse and diaper bag, to protect your little one from those sneezy monsters at the play dates.

Natural Green Mom shows you how:


4 oz Aloe Vera Gel
1/2 T Witch Hazel
1 Vitamin E Capsule
Lavender Essential Oil

In a large bowl, whisk together the witch hazel and aloe vera gel.

Poke a hole in the vitamin E capsule and squeeze the contents into the mixture.

Whisk in.

Add 5 to 10 drops of lavender oil.

Pour into a 4 oz squeeze bottle to use.