Top 10 Beauty And Hygiene Products You Can Make At Home

The Environmental Working Group reported:

The average woman uses 12 personal care products a day containing a staggering 168 different chemicals.”

That is concerning considering the Herb Research Foundationstudy revealed:

“The skin absorbs up to 60 percent of the chemicals in products that it comes into contact with directly into the bloodstream.”

I doubt, whether you are a crunchy or silky mom, you would want chemicals with 6 syllables coursing through your blood; or the blood of your baby who has constant contact with you.

When thinking of chemicals in beauty products, you may dismiss the harm in the ingredients because it is in such small doses.

Naturopathic DoctorTrevor Cates stated to Daily Mail:

Even in tiny amounts, many of the chemicals commonly found in our cosmetics can have a tremendous health and hormonal impact, and we are only beginning to understand the consequences.”