
What I Want My Children To Know This Election Day

What I Want My Children To Know This Election Day

We live in an incredible nation founded on personal freedoms and liberties. The greatest of these is the right to vote and have a say in how we are governed. This Election Day, while the eyes of adults across the nation are on the ballots, the eyes of our little […]

Tree Of Life Tragedy And How You Can Do More

Tree Of Life Tragedy And How You Can Do More

It is shocking how much hate there can be in the world, hearing how one can afflict another in such treacherous ways is frightening. Many tragedies have plagued this nation in the past couple years, with the school shootings and the mass shooting at the Jacksonville video game tournament. These […]

LGBT Activist Slanders God With This Statement

LGBT Activist Slanders God With This Statement

LGBT activists are desperate to push their agenda onto the masses, and it’s worse than anyone ever imagined. From targeting children in schools, to pushing “transgender” changing rooms in retail stores, one can’t even leave the house without being thrust into the middle of a culture war. But this latest […]

Planned Parenthood’s Blood Money Is Funding This Election

Planned Parenthood’s Blood Money Is Funding This Election

With Election Day just around the corner, things are getting hot and fierce. And with liberals desperate to keep abortion legal for all, money is flowing in from shady groups to back the most radical candidates. But you’ll be shocked to know about the details behind the “blood money” rolling […]

Instagram Dangers Every Mom Needs To Know

Instagram Dangers Every Mom Needs To Know

Being a mom of a teenager is harder than ever before. With social media sites all the rage these days, being online and having access to social media accounts can cause harm to teenagers, and even get them killed. But while social media giants claim their sites are “safe” moms […]

Shocking Statements Of New Planned Parenthood President Are Nothing New

Shocking Statements Of New Planned Parenthood President Are Nothing New

Progressives like to make demands and believe they are entitled to rights that benefit them while harming others. None of these so-called “rights” are as harmful and devastating to society than abortion-on-demand. And it is hard to believe that one woman who vowed to protect life is now in charge […]

More Censorship As The Left Works To Shut Down This Powerful Message

More Censorship As The Left Works To Shut Down This Powerful Message

The left has many pet causes, and they will defend them from criticism of any kind – and by any means. The most recent, and frequent, new tactic has been to censor conservative speech and media that supports it, from social media to news outlets. Now the left is trying […]

Trans Man Takes Home Women’s World Cycling Win

Trans Man Takes Home Women’s World Cycling Win

Feminism of the modern era emphasizes that women have to work much harder to receive what our culture gives men; which is true, but not consistently supported by the left. Somehow, progressives believe in the feminist movement, and that transgenders who are biologically male should be able to take on […]

LGBT Thugs Take Over High-School Court

LGBT Thugs Take Over High-School Court

LGBT activists are at it again, and this time they are targeting high-school students. In a desperate attempt to completely eradicate gender, they’ve hijacked a once cherished high-school tradition. And even worse, teachers are supporting this full-blown takeover of homecoming with radical pro-LGBT policies. But the worst part of all […]

Before You Change Your Baby In Public Again, Read This

Before You Change Your Baby In Public Again, Read This

We’ve all been there – as soon as we leave the house, the baby has a diaper blowout, spits up, or spills their “non-spill” juice cup all over themselves. We’ve just trekked across the parking lot in the rain with the stroller and all the gear, and the thought of […]