Judge Backs Christian Teacher Who Was Suspended For Refusing To Force The LGBT Agenda Onto Children

Photo by jglsongs on Flickr.com



Byron Tanner Cross is a teacher at a local school district in Virginia who truly cares for his students.

In fact, he cares for his students so much he couldn’t bear the thought of lying to them by leading them to believe they can choose their own gender.

As a result of refusing to go along with the radical LGBT agenda his school board was pushing – he was suspended – but then a judge stepped in and everything changed.

Tanner’s comments took place outside of school hours in a public forum.

And while the Loudoun County Public School District in Virginia seems to think Christian teachers are not allowed to have their own views, a judge tends to disagree.

The Christian Post reported:

“The Court agrees with Plaintiff’s analysis and concludes that Defendants’ actions to suspend the Plaintiff, as well as the additional restrictions placed upon him, adversely affected his constitutionally protected speech,” wrote the judge.

“Here, it was clear that the Plaintiff was speaking as a citizen, not in his official capacity. His speech was not conducted at his usual place of employment, occurred during non-working hours and at a forum where public comment was invited.”

Loudoun County continues to be in disarray, with a recent school board meeting cut short by the board due to the “emotional” parents in the crowd.

Over 250 people signed up to speak at the meeting, but the school board shut it down after hearing from only 51.

So what’s all the chaos about?

To put it simply parents have had enough of the LGBT agenda being forced upon their children.

Loudoun County’s latest policy is insisting “transgender students” are allowed to use whatever pronoun they want – regardless of what their student record says, and completely ignoring their biological sex.

If teachers refuse to “respect” using the gender pronoun the student picks – they’ll get in trouble.

Of course this is absurd, but with President Biden and his radical LGBT agenda, it’s a natural consequence.

Leftist schools all over the country have turned pronouns into a game, letting children “choose their own gender.”

Sadly, those who struggle with gender dysphoria will continue to suffer as schools cater to their mental illness instead of getting them help.

Cheers to Byron Tanner Cross for standing up for his students, and holding firm to his faith.

And let’s hope parents around the country are finally waking up to the devastating reality of what is happening in public school districts around the country.

These days, it is clear school boards are NOT concerned with the well-being of children – they are simply obsessed with pushing through a radical agenda.

And if school boards don’t stop trying to politicize education, the uproar that happened in Loudoun County is sure to start taking place at local school board meetings all around the country.

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