Leftist Kindergarten Curriculum Teaches Kids To Abolish The Police

Photo by Adam Bezer on Unsplash


Children are typically taught to have respect and reverence for police officers who fight crime and keep them safe against the bad guys.

But this leftist school in Seattle is painting a different tune – teaching little kindergarten students to actually hate the police.

In fact, the latest curriculum being peddled to these small children goes so far as to teach children abolishing the police is the only way “justice” will be served.

After a series of violent riots, Seattle Public Schools sent a bizarre email to faculty aimed with resources they can use to teach students how to “abolish the police.”

Instead of speaking against the violent riots that destroyed personal property and livelihoods – this school wants to teach children the police are the bad guys for enforcing the law.

The email’s goal was to help teachers guide their students to process “last week’s riots and social justice.”

Not only did the email deny violence took place and simply referred to them as “social justice” riots– it actually linked to a radical platform called “WokeKindergarten.”

The Post Millennial reported.

“The email then links to the radical platform WokeKindergaten whose mission statement read “Woke Kindergarten is a global, abolitionist early learning community, creative expanse and consultancy supporting children, families, educators and organizations in their commitment to abolitionist early education and pro-Black liberation.”

On their Facebook page WokeKindergarten said, “Woke Kindergarten is a global, abolitionist early learning community. All Power to the Little People! ? This page is ANTI-RACIST, PRO BLACK, AND LIBERATORY. #AbolishthePolice #ALLBLACKLIVESMATTER.”

The left is absolutely obsessed with making everything about race.

When the truth is – if you break the law – there are consequences – regardless the color of your skin.

If anything, students should be taught how to peacefully assemble for a cause they believe in.

Or, they could be shown lifelong tools such as how to look up and contact their legislators if they are unhappy with something happening in society.

But instead, they are being taught to hate police officers.

Teaching 5-year-old kids that the world is racist and the cops are the bad guys is dangerous indoctrination.

Sadly, liberals have been on a kick doing everything they can to attack police officers.

The beloved children’s show Paw Patrol was attacked for being too “pro-police.”

School assignments are being used to compare police to KKK members.

An elderly couple even had their home shot at because they displayed a police flag on their property to show solidarity with law enforcement officials.

With leftist school officials dominating the public school system – we can expect to see more anti-police propaganda in the years to come.

And yet again – children who simply want to go to school and learn are thrown into the middle of yet another culture war.

It’s no wonder so many parents across the country are yanking their children out of the school system and choosing to homeschool them instead!

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