Pro-Abort Kamala Harris Wins Award For Being A “Champion Of Kids”

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At the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards, Kamala Harris was awarded the “Generation Change Award” and you won’t believe why.

Leftist actress Jennifer Garner praised Harris for being a “champion” of kids and always looking out for the underdog.

Except Kamala Harris is one of the most radical pro-aborts to ever hold a position of leadership – and here’s the truth behind her real record.

To start, Harris was ruthless while she served as a senator in Congress – she even voted against saving babies who survive botched abortions.

It’s unconscionable anyone could have the audacity to vote against saving a baby fighting for its life…

… but Harris did.

She’s taken her love for abortions straight to the White House, stating her support to codify Roe v. Wade and appeal the Hyde Amendment.

It’s no wonder she has a 100-percent rating with NARAL Pro-Choice America and why, upon winning her election, Planned Parenthood boasted that they have a champion back in the White House.

The truth is, Harris is an enemy to the underdog (unborn children) not a champion.

But of course, the truth is always hidden from the masses – and Jennifer Garner left out the real legacy of Kamala Harris when she sung her praises before presenting the award.

Newsbusters reported:

“Here with a special message for you, let me introduce another trailblazer, Vice President Kamala Harris, who made history this year by becoming the first woman, first person of color and first “Momala” to hold this office.

Becoming vice president was not only a new beginning for her, it was also the culmination of a lifetime of being a champion of kids and family issues and always looking out for the underdog.

Like you, Vice President Harris shows us that anything is possible with hard work, dedication, and love in your heart. So it’s my honor to welcome the Vice President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris.”

After the introduction, Harris accepted the award and earned the admiration and awe from kids all around the world as she babbled about how she and Biden appreciates all of them.

Yeah, give me a break.

If Harris was truly fighting for children – she would start by letting those in their mother’s womb actually be born.

There are so many other honorable women who could have received this award, such as Amy Coney Barrett – a woman of faith who is serving on the highest court in the nation while being a loving wife and mother.

Talk about teaching children they can do all things!

Or Candace Owens, who stands strong to the Constitution and calls out the hypocrisy of liberals.

But of course, these conservative women will never win a Kids’ Choice Award.

Especially from a network like Nickelodeon who embraces the LGBT agenda and is blatantly anti-family.

Perhaps a day will come when a real champion of kids will win an award.

In the meantime, let’s hope little girls won’t grow up thinking Kamala Harris is actually for them.

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