Post Tagged with: "news"

A Christmas Wish Granted For One Family After a Case of Blatant State Overreach

A Christmas Wish Granted For One Family After a Case of Blatant State Overreach

There can be nothing worse for parents than seeing their child suffering with a life-threatening illness. Except being forcibly kept from their child and unable to comfort and hold them during this frightening time. That’s exactly what happened to a Florida couple who have been through the worst nightmare imaginable […]

Rockstar Mom Crushes Half Marathon Record While Pushing Stroller 

Rockstar Mom Crushes Half Marathon Record While Pushing Stroller 

Julia Webb has always had a passion for running and a competitive streak, so it was no surprise she signed up to run a half-marathon. But not only did this incredible pro-life mom beat the world record for the fastest half-marathon… … she did so while pushing her precious 10-month […]

Daughter Found Homeless And Freezing After Escaping Treatment

Daughter Found Homeless And Freezing After Escaping Treatment

During the holidays we try to get the family to gather, no matter the problems that lie between, to celebrate the important things. This holiday season, we are to count our blessings and see to it that an environment of love is promoted. But that is not always so easy, […]

Parental Instinct Can’t Be Ignored – Here’s One Family’s Story

Parental Instinct Can’t Be Ignored – Here’s One Family’s Story

Parents have an uncanny ability to understand all the little nuances that make their child who they are. We love, nurture, and support them all their lives, and we have an instinct when something is wrong since we know them best. This instinct has saved the lives of many children […]

Horrific: Some States Can Still Legally Grant Rapists Custody of Children

Horrific: Some States Can Still Legally Grant Rapists Custody of Children

Women who become pregnant by rape and choose to have their children have been through so much trauma, but some states are making it worse. As it turns out, some states can still grant partial parental custody to the rapist, despite the protests of the women. While many states have […]

This City Mandates Christian Photographers Must Photograph Same Sex Weddings 

This City Mandates Christian Photographers Must Photograph Same Sex Weddings 

  A Christian photographer was told she must photograph the weddings of same sex couples, even though it goes against her religious beliefs. The local ordinance in Louisville prohibits businesses from denying services to people based on sexual orientation.  Taking it even further, the ordinance prohibits business owners from communicating […]

A Toy Fiasco Ends Up Putting A Girl In The Hospital 

A Toy Fiasco Ends Up Putting A Girl In The Hospital 

Kids are so adventurous. They often aim to use the toys that illicit the highest amount of fear for a parent.  Stilts, electric scooters, and rollerblades- or in other words, all the things that seem to be a doctor visit in a box- are all on a thrill seekers wish […]

A Shocking Disciplinary Practice In Public Schools – Why Did It Go Unchecked For So Long?

A Shocking Disciplinary Practice In Public Schools – Why Did It Go Unchecked For So Long?

Every parent knows that each child – their child – has unique needs, and each parent must find what works for them in order to raise them to be healthy and happy individuals. This is true of discipline, and parents must be the ultimate authority in disciplinary matters involving their […]

Every Christian Should Be Aware Of This Rising Influence On The Liberal Agenda

Every Christian Should Be Aware Of This Rising Influence On The Liberal Agenda

Every conservative American is aware of the destruction of the family by an increasingly progressive agenda. Our mainstream media and the entertainment industry, our education system, and even our churches are being taken over with liberal propaganda aimed at destroying our Christian values once and for all. But there is […]

We Know The Tragic Reasons Behind Declining Birth Rates – But What’s The Answer?

We Know The Tragic Reasons Behind Declining Birth Rates – But What’s The Answer?

  While it may not seem obvious to us as we gather for playdates or attend school events, women in the U.S. are having far less children on a national average than a generation ago. We might think this is an issue of our changing culture, as feminists and progressives […]