What To Do When Your Child’s Anger Turns To Rage

Photo by Ryan Franco on Unsplash


Every mom has the challenge of helping their little ones navigate different emotions.

And throughout the tragedies of life, especially with the latest chaos happening in our world, many children are feeling confused and unable to comprehend what is going on around them.

But some children have become enraged at how different their world has become, and for many moms seeing their child’s anger turn to rage can be quite scary.

So what’s a mom to do?

Here are few tips to help you understand your child’s emotions and help them process what they’re feeling.


Realize They’re Scared

When things change suddenly, it can be traumatic for a child.

Whether it’s a sick or dying relative, or seeing people around them in masks and gloves at the grocery store, it can be challenging for a child to process what is actually happening.

Fear of the unknown can make a child feel out of control at what is lurking down the path.

They might feel unsafe or unsettled.

The best thing you can do is explain to your child what is happening.

Have age appropriate conversations so they don’t feel blindsided.

If grandma is sick, don’t keep it a secret. You don’t have to go into details, but remember children are smarter than we think!

They’re often aware of the shift in adults’ emotions – and if you are suddenly crying every night or frantically disinfecting everything in your home – they’re going to know something is off.


Increased Anxiety

Given the latest CDC guidelines, many moms are choosing to homeschool their children.

But this past spring, many children were ripped out of school – separated from their classmates and teachers and forced to take on a completely different routine.

In fact, it happened so fast, many children weren’t even able to get their own materials.

And with the media terrifying the public, if your child has had any exposure to the news, they’re likely feeling anxious at what is to come.

If not dealt with, anxiety can turn to anger, and then rage.

One mom confessed even simple requests like asking her child to put his socks on turned into a rage attack.

Scary Mommy reported:

“And when I ask him to go upstairs to put on socks, and he begins screaming that he doesn’t want to, I understand that he’s not angry at my request. He’s afraid. Afraid to go upstairs alone. Afraid I might not be here when he gets back. Afraid of the invisible things that lurk in places that once seemed so safe.

He’s anxious. The world is changing so fast, and no amount of talking about those changes will change the truth that there are elements that remain scary, that persist in being difficult to understand. Sometimes there simply aren’t words to fill in the blanks. He’s seeking comfort and clinging to his sister, to me, and forgetting—or incapable of recognizing in his current mindset—that we’re both human, we both need to reset ourselves before we can give him anymore. His anxiety won’t let him give us that space. It is too great, and he lashes out with a rage that shakes his body when we ask him for space.”

Have an extra dose of compassion for your child during this time.

It’s likely you’re feeling scared and anxious too – but as an adult you have more resources to process your thoughts.

Children are innocent, and for many of them this season has robbed them of simple childhood pleasures like being able to play on the playground with their friends or hug their grandparents.


Give Them Permission To Share

Whether you have a child or teen – let them know they can always talk to you about what they are feeling.

Sometimes just knowing mom cares and is there to listen can help the pain feel a little bit less.

And if your child or teen is truly acting out in fits of rage, try to give them tools to help them calm down – like introducing breathing techniques or teaching them when they need to take a break.

But if rage continues, don’t be afraid to seek outside counseling for them.

Deal with the emotions now to help your child transition into a healthy adult.

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