Sesame Street Celebrates “Pride Month” By Blasting LGBT Propaganda At Innocent Children

Photo by pxfuel


LGBT activists have deemed June “pride month” and are using it as an excuse to throw even more propaganda at the world – especially children.

From businesses flying rainbow flags and selling pro-LGBT merchandise, to cartoons and kids’ shows promoting the LGBT agenda, yet again children are caught in the middle of a culture war.

And not surprising, Sesame Street is using its influence over children to promote the LGBT lifestyle hoping to make it seem “normal” and fun.

Taking to Twitter, Sesame Street recently tweeted:

“On our street, we accept all, we love all, and we respect all. Happy #pridemonth.”

To further add to their point, they ended their tweet with a rainbow flag.

Of course, LGBT activists glowed at the fact a children’s show was supporting their lifestyle, and tweeted back things like “On our street, we let Bert and Ernie hold hands” and “Sell this poster and donate proceeds to LGBTQ charities.”

Good grief.

But sadly, this is not the first time Sesame Street has flaunted their LGBT credentials.

As Mommy Underground previously reported, Sesame Street proudly introduced a “cross dressing” character – hoping to further confuse innocent children.

It would be bad enough if Sesame Street was the only bully on the block trying to corrupt young children.

But as it turns out, major cartoon networks are proving yet again their alliance is to the LGBT agenda, even at the expense of children.

LifeSite News reported:

“Celebrating #Pride with the LGBTQ+ community and their allies this month and every month,” said the June 13 Nickelodeon tweet.

The LGBT-backed “Pride Month” was also supported by the Cartoon Network, who celebrated with social media advertising and special videos along with shows approved by the LGBT lobby.”

And of course, Paw Patrol, the only highly successful show on Nickelodeon that is not pro-LGBT has been canceled because the friendly pup is a cop, and the latest leftist trend is bashing police officers.

Apparently, Nickelodeon execs think it’s “safe” to promote the LGBT lobby to children while canceling one of the few actual safe cartoons left for conservative families.

The scary thing is, pro-LGBT groups are deliberately targeting children demanding even more prime time shows hoping to expose children to their perverse agenda.

Even more terrifying, they are gunning for children as young as 3.

From cartoons introducing toddler “drag queens” to same-sex couples kissing, it’s clear LGBT activists have no shame in how young they’ll go.

They know children are young and impressionable and their brains absorb what they see.

And while cartoons and children’s shows used to be “safe” to watch, it’s abundantly clear they are just as dangerous as typical TV.

Parents must remain vigilant at what they allow their little ones to watch – as these days it seems like every network has jumped on the LGBT bandwagon.

Wanting full and unrestricted access to children, many pro-LGBT supporters try and leave parents out of the equation and hide what they’re really doing.

From LGBT teachers pushing their agenda onto children to the leftist media thugs attempting to corrupt young children and steal their innocence, it’s clear children are their direct target.

The good news is, pushback from conservative parents proves families won’t go down without a fight.

In the name of protecting children everywhere, conservatives must continue to call out those who seek to force the LGBT agenda onto young minds.

The lives of our children depend on it.

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