Woman Tik-Tokker Who Mocks Abortion And Calls It ‘Hilarious’ Just Landed A New Public Gig

Photo by Michal Bar Haim on Unsplash


There’s nothing more horrific than an abortionist ripping a tiny innocent baby from its mother’s womb.

But according to a social media TikTokker who goes by the name “AbortionQweenn– abortion is something “hilarious.”

And instead of condemning her actions, it turns out her “mock abortions” actually landed her a new public role.

Hoping to normalize abortion and call it something good, this Tik-Tokker continues to post “mock abortions” – pretending she’s getting an abortion when she’s actually not – all to glorify the barbaric act.

One of her posts shows her sitting in a doctor’s office with the caption “It’s a great day to have an abortion.”

The Daily Beast reported:

“The video is a stark and unapologetic depiction of abortion—the kind movement activists have been attempting to push into the mainstream for years, and that abortion opponents have deemed “sick and depraved.” It is playful, transgressive, an instant hit.

It’s also completely fake.

“I just started posting videos of me at random doctor’s appointments and saying ‘I’m getting an abortion,’” the creator of the video, a 21-year-old college student who goes by the handle @abortionqweenn, told The Daily Beast. “I was at urgent care.”

Millions of people have seen her deranged videos as she continues to try and convince young girls it’s “cool to have an abortion.”

But instead of condemning or criticizing her actions – she’s actually getting praise.

And of course, once the “Shout Your Abortion” founder Amelia Bonow saw the viral videos – she decided to hire her.

As Mommy Underground previously reported, the entire “shout your abortion” movement celebrates the number of babies who have been slaughtered.

It truly is sick.

And now with these two abortion activists working together – they’re bound to produce even more deranged content in hopes young women will abort their babies.

The sad thing is – they think they are “empowering” women – when all they are doing is furthering their oppression and creating more trauma – even endangering the life of the mother in the process.

There’s nothing natural or empowering seeing a mother choose to murder her unborn baby.

Abortion is dangerous for both the baby and the mother – and no person walks out of an abortion clinic unchanged.

Not to mention, studies now show over and over many women who have abortions have come to regret them, and are plagued with the trauma of not being able to make a different choice.

Thankfully, there is a counter movement with moms “shouting their motherhood” which reveals a beautiful contrast to such darkness.

Pro-lifers will never be able to silence the voice of the opposition, but they can fight back with truth, and walk alongside pregnant women so they feel supported and loved, and know there are other options besides abortion.

In addition, it’s critical to support pro-life legislators who can introduce legislation to protect young girls from predators like these women.

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