Toddler Meals They Will Actually Eat

  1. Zucchini bread, yogurt dip and raisins

Baking zucchini bread is fun for the whole family. To make it on the healthier side for toddler meal time, reduce the sugar used, or swap it out all together and sweeten with fruits.

Add a variety of vegetables to the bread to sneak in foods that may be hard for your toddler to eat plain, like pumpkin and carrots.

Putting the raisins on the side rather than baked into the bread will reduce extreme texture variations, and give busy fingers something else to pick at.

Raisins are a good iron source, and the yogurt dip provides calcium and good bacteria to keep your tot in tip top shape.

You can swap out veggies or fruit for their preference, but toddler taste buds are always changing so keep trying new things.

One day they may throw the peas, and the next it may be their favorite food. Try to not give in to resorting to processed or sugary snack for meals because your toddler is picky.

If it seems that the first plate of food you provided isn’t satisfying that growing tummy, then you can always give more fruits and vegetables.

Remember not to have any distractions during meal time, such as a television or toys at the table. This has been proven to have poor effects on eating, and you don’t want to make your job any harder.

Stay strong, and remember eating is about nourishing that sweet little toddler who is growing way too fast, and not appeasing their tantrums.

Please let us know in the comments section if you have success with any of these food combinations or if you have a recipe that your toddler enjoys every time.